Windrose Nightgown (9m - 4T)

$5.00 Regular price $12.00

Pattern has sizes 9 months - 4T included. If your daughter is anything like mine, they refuse to sleep in anything other then "dresses". My daughter started screaming and hollering every night before bed because she didn't want to wear her t-shirt and pants pajamas and instead wanted to wear her favorite dresses. I often gave in but was frustrated at the lack of nightgown patterns available online. So I created my own, for her, and am now sharing it with you. I hope you enjoy it and the detailed tutorial that is included. This pattern was designed for light to medium weight knit fabrics. You know... soft and comfy! Make sure to print the scaling as "do not scale" and check the 1" control square before assembling the pieces. Can you sell items made with this pattern? Yes! Credit to Annelaine Patterns is appreciated.